
HTML Introduction

HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language as the name composed of two parts:

  1. Hypertext: It is the text displayed on web pages and contains links to navigate to other hypertext documents. it contains objects such as images, tables, lists, links etc.
  2. Markup Language: A markup language is a language for interpret documents with tags that tells a Web Browser how to display the content on a web page.

HTML is a standard language for building web pages. The current version of HTML is HTML 5. Some key terms used in HTML are:

  1. HTML: Language use for designing of Web Pages.
  2. WEB Pages: WEB documents which can be accessed through Internet using web browsers.
  3. WEB BROWSER: WEB browsers are application software used to access and locate information and data on Internet.
  4. URL: A URL is a reference to the address of the resources on the network and a mechanism fro retrieving it.
  5. Website: It is a collection of web pages.
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Advantages of HTML

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